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Student Spotlight: Gen Nehrt

Student Spotlight: Gen Nehrt | Music Gallery Academy

Congratulations to Music Gallery Academy student, Gen Nehrt! ☺

Gen was recently declared a top performer at the Uncommon Ground Open Mic in Chicago where she performed Lost Boy by Ruth B.

Gen demonstrated something we love to see in students. She sought performance opportunities and used the skills she learned here to gift others with her music. She faced the terror of pre-performance, the relief of adrenaline, and is experiencing the lasting confidence that follows vulnerability in a public space. Gen’s experience is especially remarkable to us because she just started playing the guitar within the past year. Within this short time of dedicated practice, her playing went from beginner to performing musician and she discovered the tenacity to overcome the crippling anxiety that sometimes accompanies pre-performance. 

Gen realized a valuable lesson of performance. She was secure enough to say to herself, “Even if I tank, it will be okay”

This reminds us that wrong notes are just steps closer to the right ones. We should all celebrate where we are and let our best efforts speak for themselves and trust that each performance serves to make us better performers over time.

Thanks to Gen for her ambition and congratulations to her success!

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