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PRS Electric Guitars | The Music Gallery

Paul Reed Smith guitars are some of the finest American Made instruments there are. The PRS dedication to quality is apparent on every guitar no matter the product line. Paul, as in Reed Smith, started out as a repair man and decided that he could build a guitar devoid of all the issues that plagued the old school bolt on and set neck designs. Paul wanted a guitar that could sound a number of different ways thanks to some unique wiring schematics and a relentless pursuit of tones via winding his own pickups. And he succeeded! To play a PRS is to experience something at potential. From the factory, a PRS really needs nothing. They come rather well set up but even beyond that, they do an expert job at dehydrating their woods before the build process begins. This guarantees a more stable instrument that is less prone to needing adjustment. 

The PRS 10 Top is something many players have pined for during their careers. These guitars are a thing of beauty, with rare, figured woods combining with some of the most Candy-like colors and finished you will ever see on a guitar. However, it doesn't stop there, We also stock Artist Package models, with upgraded tops, colors, and hardware packages. Then we take it another step further and take a yearly trip to the PRS Wood Library so we can select our own woods and build them into Custom guitars with Custom colors! We even order a few Private Stock models a year, and do quite a few special orders for those customers looking for the absolute best. 

We have at least 20 PRS Guitars in stock at all time! From the Import models, to the S2 series, to their USA Factory and Private Stock! We have seen it all and would love the chance to help you find the PRS of your dreams!

28 products