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Gibson Electric Guitars | The Music Gallery

Gibson Electric Guitars have long been the object of desire for guitar players the world over. A Gibson was something to aspire to, an instrument you saved up for and earned. An instrument you could pass on to your family members that would certainly out last any original owner. Under new leadership, we are seeing a return to quality that we simply could not be happier about. 

While Gibson has had its ups and down over the last few years, they are primed for a turn around. Under new leadership, Gibson is poised to come back hard and fast with player centric guitars, void of all the technological mumbo jumbo that alienated players over the last couple years. The latest arrivals from Gibson have been impressive to say the least. Better nut work, improved finished work, and a return to the things that made Gibson who they are. 

The Music Gallery has been a Gibson Dealer since we started in 1974. Nobody has seen more of the ups and downs than us! So you know we are speaking from experience when we tell you we are truly excited and optimistic about the future of Gibson! From the Faded Series to the Custom Shop, we have seen them all along the way. Time tested models still in production, complete failures that got shelved after a single run, nobody does things like Gibson!

Numerous Legendary Guitarists have had full careers slinging nothing but a Les Paul, the original signature guitar. The SG is synonymous with Angus Young and Tony Iommi. An ES-335 seems to have found it's way in to the hands of too many to name shredder's, pickers, and jazzers along the way to cement it's legacy in the electric guitar world. Gibson is an American Guitar Manufacturing Legend and we are excited for our future with them. 

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