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Effect Pedals | The Music Gallery

If you are looking for the most cost effective way to spruce up your sound, effect pedals may be worth investigating. Ranging from subtle compression effects to crazy modulators, reverbs, and delays, effects are fun, inspiring, and like getting to paint with a new color. 

The world of effects has exploded over the last decade both in terms of what's available and the level of quality. Even inexpensive pedals offer great functionality, incredible tones, and amazing flexibility. 

While Guitars and Tube Amps are our specialty, below you'll see all our in stock pedals. Mostly Fender's New Pedal line, introduced in 2018 and still being added to today. Though we aren't stocked to the gills with pedals, we are extremely well versed in modern pedal functionality and are always happy to discuss options, new brands, and al time classic favorites!

6 products