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Lesson Agreement | The Music Gallery of Highland Park


The Music Gallery Academy charges a minimum of $140 in advance for 4 weeks of half-hour music lessons. Individual music lessons are valued at $35. The $140 is credited to a student account and debited $35 weekly as each student's scheduled lesson time passes.

Tuition prices for 45 minute or hour-long lessons still equate to $35 per 30 minutes. 45-minute lessons cost $52.50 each ($210 every 4 weeks) and 1-hour lessons cost $70 each ($280 every 4 weeks).

Tuition is due before the student's scheduled lesson time. Services may be refused if payment has not been made on time.

Cancellations by Student:

A lesson must be canceled as soon as there is a known conflict. All makeup lessons are to be determined between the student and the teacher and scheduled within 30 days of the missed lesson. There are no refunds for canceled lessons.

Cancellations by Teacher

If a teacher has to cancel, the student will be notified as soon as there is a known conflict. There is no charge for cancellation by the teacher.

Withdrawal from Lessons:

There is a 72-hour minimum notice of withdrawal. In the event of a withdrawal, any remaining balance in the student's account will be refunded for any lessons that occur at least 72 hours after notice is given.


The Music Gallery Academy is closed the day of:

Memorial Day

Labor Day

The Fourth of July

Thanksgiving Day

Christmas Day

New Years Day

The Music Gallery Academy does not close for the days surrounding the holidays.


It is the responsibility of the parent to ensure safe transportation to and from the student's scheduled lesson. The Music Gallery Academy is not liable for injury, theft, or damage to personal property that may occur on our premises.

Student Responsibility:

It is the student's responsibility to have an adequate instrument to practice on. The teacher is an available resource to advise the student and can make help make decisions about what type of instrument is needed and what kind of repair work may need to be done.

If a student wants to grow a musician, it is their responsibility to practice daily. We recommend a minimum of 30 minutes each day. The more a student practices and the more dedicated a student is to their lessons, the better the progress they will see. Growth does not come from your teacher. It comes from practice, dedication, and willingness to learn.

Call Today to Learn More!
(847) 432-6350
2558 Green Bay Rd
Highland Park, IL 60035